Morgan Shaffer

Curriculum Vitae
Morgan Shaffer
Teaching Associate
Research Interests: 20th-21st Century American literature, The Gothic/American Gothic, Liminality, particularly liminal beings, American literature written by marginalized/minority authors, specifically through an intersectional lens (women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+)
Morgan Shaffer is currently a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in Literature, Criticism, and Textual Studies, specializing in 20th C American and Southern literature. Her work mainly focuses on the Gothic in American and Southern literature, especially in regards to works by marginalized authors, utilizing an intersectional lens, as well as analyzing how Gothic elements in literature are reflections of the histories, societies, cultures, and folklores by which the narratives were inspired and/or in which they are set.
- M.A. in Creative Writing, Auburn University, awarded 2018
- B.A. in Creative Writing (minor in History), Auburn University, awarded 2014