Thorsten Huth

Thorsten Huth
Associate Professor
ESL, Linguistics
Thorsten Huth received his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Kansas in 2005. His interests in research and teaching connect German Studies, Linguistics (particularly Pragmatics), and Second Language Acquisition. Dr. Huth’s teaching serve UTK programs that involve the study of human language, language learning, and language teaching, including courses in the Linguistics IDP and in the Rhetoric, Writing, and Linguistics division of the English Department. Dr. Huth’s research program addresses specifically (a) how sociolinguistic, pragmatic, and interactional competencies emerge in second language learners, (b) how such competencies can be taught and learned in the second language classroom, and (c) the implications of this line of inquiry for L2 teaching. Dr. Huth’s work has appeared in professional journals such as Modern Language Journal, Journal of Pragmatics, or Language Teaching Research. He is the author of the monograph Interaction, language use, and second language teaching co-authored Deutsch heute.
- Ph.D., University of Kansas
- M.A., University of Kansas
- Hodges Excellence in Teaching Award for Assistant Professors, Department of English, University of Tennessee, 2020
Huth, T. (2021). Interaction, Language Use, and Second Language Teaching. Monograph Series: Routledge Advances in Second Language Studies. Routledge.
Book Chapters
- Huth, T. (2021). Conceptualizing interactional learning targets for the second language curriculum. In S. Kunitz, N. Markee, O. Sert (Eds.), Emerging issues in classroom discourse and interaction: Theoretical and applied CA perspectives on pedagogy, pp. 359-381. Springer.
- Huth, T. and E. Betz. (2019). Testing interactional competence in language classrooms: Goals, formats, and caveats. In Salaberry, R. & S. Kunitz (Eds.), Teaching and testing L2 interactional competence: bridging theory and practice, pp.322-356. Routledge
- Huth, T. (2016). Playing with turns, playing with action: A social-interactionist perspective. In Nancy Bell (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on language play, pp. 47-72. Mouton DeGruyter.
- Huth, T. (2020). Testing interactional competence: Patterned yet dynamic aspects of L2 interaction. Papers in language testing and assessment, 9 (1), 1-24.
- Huth, T., Betz, E., and Taleghani-Nikazm, C. (2019). Rethinking language teacher training: Steps for making talk-in-interaction research accessible to practitioners. Classroom Discourse, 10 (1), 99-122.
- Bendig, I., E. Betz, and T. Huth (2016). Teaching variant types of weil and obwohl structures in German. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 49 (2), 214-227.
- Betz, E. and T. Huth. (2014). Beyond grammar: Teaching interaction in the German language classroom. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 47 (2), 140-163.
- Huth, T. (2014). “When in Berlin…”: Teaching German telephone openings. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 47 (2), 164-179.
- Huth, T. (2013). Action or reaction, learning or display: Interactional development and usage-based data. Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 7 (1), 17-35.
- Huth, T. (2012). Pragmatics and culture. In: C. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.