Jamal-Jared Alexander

Jamal-Jared Alexander
Assistant Professor
Technical & Professional Communication, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, Inclusive Excellence, Visual Communication Design, Black Feminist Theory
Jamal-Jared Alexander is a social justice researcher and scholar-activist trained in qualitative methodology. Using Black Feminist Theory as his theoretical lens, his research agenda aims to create dedicated spaces and equitable opportunities for marginalized communities in academic and industry settings. His research also examines inclusive excellence in the context of recruitment, retention, and medical rhetorics. He teaches courses in visual communication design, research methods in technical communication, and Global Communication for Science and Technology with a strong foundation of social justice embedded in the curriculum. Jamal-Jared is committed to lifelong learning and going the extra mile to facilitate continuous improvement in the workplace for those often found in the margins.
- Ph.D., Utah State University
- M.A., East Carolina University
- B.A., Albany State University
- International
- (2023—2024) Early Career Research Award, National Youth Sports Conference, “An Examination of Black Adolescent Boys’ Experiences in Sport: Employing Frameworks to Youth Sport.” (w/Amand L. Hardiman)
- (2022—2023) Article of the Year Award from the Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Technical Communication Quarterly article, “Health and Wellness as Resistance: Tactical Folk Medicine.” (w/Avery C. Edenfield)
- National
- (2023) Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication National Research Grant for Antiracist Programs and Pedagogies. (w/Rebecca Walton)
- (2021—2022) Robin’s Award: Achievement of the Year
- (2021—2022) Robin’s Award: Organization of the Year | Graduate Students of Color Association
- (2020—2021) Association of Teachers of Technical Writing National Amplification Award
- (2016—2017) Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication Diversity National Award
- Alexander, J-J. & Edenfield, A. C. (2024). Erased by Design: An Antenarrative of Ellenton and the Savannah River Plant. Technical Communication, 71(1), 7-19. doi:10.55177/tc906558
- Alexander, J-J. (2023). Centering the Marginalized: Creating a Coalition to Enhance Retention Initiatives in the Workplace. Technical Communication, 70(3), 28-41. doi:10.55177/tc919936
- Alexander, J-J., Stevens, H., & Walton, R. (2022). Diversifying Knowledge: Presenting and Applying a Framework for Inclusive Graduate Program Websites. In Proceedings of the 40th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC 2022 (pp. 3-8). doi:10.1145/3513130.3558971
- Moeggenberg, Z., Stevens, H., Walton, R., & Alexander, J-J. (2022). Inclusive Editing: Actionable Recommendations for Editors and Instructors. In IEEE International Professional Communication Conference Proceedings (ProComm) (pp. 267-276). IEEE. Retrieved from https://www.ieee.org/
- Alexander, J-J. & Walton, R. (2022). Relational Recruiting: Using Black Feminist Theory to Inform Graduate Recruiting Strategies. IEEE Transactions On Professional Communication, 65(1), 164-178. doi:10.1109/TPC.2021.3137571
- Alexander, J-J. & Edenfield, A. C. (2021). Health and Wellness as Resistance: Tactical Folk Medicine. Technical Communication Quarterly, 30(3), 241-256. doi:10.1080/10572252.2021.1930181