Hooman Saeli

1105 McClung Tower
Curriculum Vitae
Hooman Saeli
Teaching Associate Professor
Hooman Saeli holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Oklahoma State University. He has published and presented on second language writing, written and oral feedback, and Persian sociolinguistics. He has taught a variety of courses, such as English 471, 372, 371, and 355.
- Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Courses Regularly Taught
- English 295- Writing in the Workplace
- English 355- Rhetoric and Writing
- English/Linguistics 371- Foundations of the English Language
- English/Linguistics 372- The Structure of Modern English
- English/Linguistics 471- Sociolinguistics
Edited Volumes
- Saeli, H. (Ed.). (in press). The handbook of teaching and learning Persian as a second language. Springer Nature.
Journal Articles
- Saeli, H. (under review). Learners’ cognitions about written feedback in English: The mediating role of cognitions in an L1. Journal of Writing Research.
- Saeli, H., Rahmati, P., & Koltovskaia, S. (under second review). A bibliometric analysis of the scholarship on written peer feedback: The state of the research. Review of Education.
- Saeli, H., & Rahmati, P. (OnlineFirst). Developments in a teacher’s cognition about written feedback: A sociocultural theory-driven perspective. Language Teaching Research. https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/AJDXHRZXTI5HQGSPE72M/full.
- Koltovskaia, S., Rahmati, P., & Saeli, H. (2024). Graduate students’ use of ChatGPT for academic text revisions: Behavioral, cognitive, and affective engagement. Journal of Second Language Writing, 65, 101130.
- Saeli, H., & Rahmati, P. (2023). Learners’ affective engagement with written peer feedback: The affordances of in situ translanguaging. Assessing Writing, 58, 100788.
- Saeli, H., Rahmati, P., & Koltovskaia, S. (2023). Teachers’ translanguaging practices in providing written corrective feedback: An exploratory study of learners’ affective engagement with feedback. Feedback Research in Second Language, 1(1), 129–148.
- Saeli, H., Koltovskaia, S., & Rahmati, P. (2023). Learner engagement with written corrective feedback: The case of automated writing evaluation. Journal of Response to Writing, 9(2), 1–39.
- Rahmati, P., Dalman, M., & Saeli, H. (2023). Oral corrective feedback on pronunciation errors: Iranian teachers’ cognitions and practices. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 20(1), 197–206.
- Saeli, H., & Cheng, A. (2022). What factors shape teachers’ feedback practices? The case of an Iranian EFL context. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 23(1), 1–21. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9fh9c5q4.
- Saeli, H., & Cheng, A. (2021). Peer feedback, learners’ engagement, and L2 writing development: The case of test-preparation classes. TESL-EJ, 25(2). https://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej98/a7.pdf.
- Saeli, H., & Cheng, A. (2021). Discrepancies in teachers’ perceptions and reported practices: The case of written feedback in an EFL context. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(2), 307–330. https://doi.org/10.1515/eujal-2019-0033.
- Saeli, H., Rahmati, P., & Dalman, M. (2021). Oral corrective feedback and pronunciation errors: The mediating effects of learners’ engagement with feedback. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 12(4), 68–78.
- Saeli, H., Dalman, M., & Rahmati, P. (2020). How do learners engage with oral corrective feedback on lexical stress errors? Effects of learner engagement on the working of corrective feedback. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 43(3), 247–276. https://doi.org/10.1075/aral.19010.sae.
- Saeli, H., & Cheng, A. (2019). Effects of L1 writing experiences on L2 writing perceptions: Evidence from an English as a foreign language context. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 35(6), 509–524. https://doi.org/10.1080/10573569.2019.1579129.
- Saeli, H., & Cheng, A. (2019). Student writers’ affective engagement with grammar-centered written corrective feedback: The impact of (mis)aligned practices and perceptions. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 22(2), 109–132. https://doi.org/10.7202/1065058ar.
- Saeli, H. (2019). Correction timing: Does it impact teacher explicit oral feedback? Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 5(1), 49–71. https://doi.org/10.1075/jslp.17004.sae.
- Saeli, H. (2019). Teachers’ practices and students’ preferences: Grammar-centered written corrective feedback in Iran. Research in English Language Pedagogy, 7(1), 46–70. https://doi.org/10.30486/RELP.2019.663422.
- Saeli, H. (2019). An English-for-specific-purposes motivated analysis of corporate sustainability reports: An analysis of text and context. Corporate Communications, 24(3), 456–470. https://doi.org/10.1108/CCIJ-10-2018-0111.
Book Chapters
- Saeli, H., Rahmati, P., & Koltovskaia, S. (forthcoming). Giving vs. receiving peer feedback: Developments in learners’ cognitions of and engagement with feedback. In S. Yu & I. Lee (eds.), Peer feedback and assessment in L2 writing: Cognition and engagement. Routledge.
- Saeli, H., Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, B, & Ringer, J. (forthcoming). Learners’ perceptions about ChatGPT as a tool in the L2 writing classroom: The case of Persian as a foreign language. In M. H. Keshavarz (ed.), Handbook of teaching Persian as a second language. Springer Nature.
- Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, B., & Saeli, H. (forthcoming). Interruption in favor of politeness: Evidence from Persian. In M. H. Keshavarz (ed.), (Im)politeness in Persian. Springer Nature.
- Saeli, H., Rahmati, P., & Dalman, M. (2024). Sociocultural norms and learners’ perceptions: Oral corrective feedback in an Iranian context. In A. Korangy & M. Sadeghpour (eds.), Handbook of cultural linguistics. Springer Nature.
- Saeli, H. (2020). Inflectional morphemes in Persian address terms: A sociolinguistic analysis. In A. Korangy & F. Sharifian (eds.), Persian linguistics in cultural contexts (pp. 61–81). Routledge.