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Elizabeth Cooley

Elizabeth Cooley

Senior Lecturer

2344 Dunford Hall


Bess Cooley’s full-length collection of poetry, Florence, is forthcoming from Sundress Publications in 2024. She is a winner of the Mississippi Review Poetry Prize, and her poems have also appeared in Prairie Schooner, Western Humanities Review, American Literary Review, Verse Daily, and many other journals. Her book reviews can be found online at Kenyon Review, Southern Humanities Review, Electric Literature, and Sycamore Review. Cooley is co-editor of Peatsmoke: A Literary Journal, Assistant Director of Creative Writing at UT, and director of the Young Writers Institute, a free creative writing workshop program for high school students in Knox County.


  • MFA Poetry, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN)
  • BA Creative Writing, Knox College (Galesburg, IL)

Regularly Taught Courses

  • English 102: English Composition II- Inquiry into Disability
  • English 251: Introduction to Poetry
  • English 363: Writing Poetry