Literature, Criticism, and Textual Studies
In keeping with its long tradition of teaching and research excellence, the English department at UT takes part in cutting-edge conversations in literary studies through challenging coursework and scholarship.

This largest of the graduate concentration areas brings a passion for literatures, their cultural contexts, their textual history, and their critical legacies to the classroom. New opportunities for interdisciplinary work make this an exciting and rigorous program of study. The British and American literary traditions, medieval studies, ethnic literatures, post-colonial and international literatures, critical theory, textual studies, folklore, film, prosody, poetics, and work in other fields support student research in a variety of genres.
The department also sponsors a regular schedule of visiting lecturers, reading groups, and workshops that bring graduate students and faculty members together in discussion and study.
Literature, Criticism, and Textual Studies covers a wide range of specialties, including Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 18th and 19th-Century Studies, 20th and 21st-Century Studies, and Theory.