Frederick Douglass Day 2024
In February 2024, thousands of people will celebrate Douglass Day, an annual event held to celebrate the birthday of Frederick Douglass. Members of the public are invited to join this celebration by joining us at the University of Tennessee for a series of events to honor Douglass and to contribute to Black literary history!
The Frederick Douglass Day Celebration and Transcribe-a-thon will be on Wednesday, February 14 from 12PM–3PM in McClung Tower 1215/1216. We will be logging on to to help transcribe the correspondence of Frederick Douglass from the Library of Congress. It’s a way to celebrate Black History Month with a digital twist!
Our plenary talk featuring Dr. Latoya Eaves and Dr. Brandon Winford will be on Thursday, February 15 at 4:30 PM in the Hodges Library Auditorium located on the first floor of Hodges Library.
Sponsored by UT Departments of English, History, and Africana Studies, UT Humanities Center, UT Libraries, and UT Special Collections