Sign up now for English 492: Spring Break ’24 in New York City Theaters
English 492, New York Drama, Spring 2024 puts you in New York City from March 9 to 17, during UT’s spring break. In this theatre-intensive off-campus course, we will see eight plays in a variety of venues, from experimental theaters to major Broadway houses. Selections so far include the major new musical Water for Elephants, Doubt, Jonah, and Merrily, We Roll Along. The course fee of $950 covers your lodging for eight nights and all your theatre tickets.

There are only 16 seats in this year’s class. To sign up, you’ll need to write to Dr. Misty G. Anderson to get on the list, then pay a deposit of $200 by November 10 to secure your place, after which you will be able to register in Banner. The first trip payment is due December 1, and the second January 22. Food and transportation to and from NYC, whether flying or carpooling, are up to you. We keep a waitlist, so there are second chances for those who don’t make the first list. Seats go fast.
We have a limited number of scholarships available based on need, with priority going to English majors. To apply, send a 1-2 page essay explaining how this class will help you meet your educational and professional goals, with an explanation of why you need the scholarship to attend to Dr. Misty G. Anderson before November 15 . Please use the subject line “NYD Scholarship Application.” The overall cost of the trip is already reduced thanks to generous contributions from alumni who care about your success and want to pay it forward after their own fantastic experiences in this class over the years. New York Drama is a true Tennessee Tradition!

The excitement of the city is at your doorstep, as we’ll be staying at the West Side YMCA, near Columbus Circle and Lincoln Center. Their dorm-style accommodations help to keep the cost of the trip down, with two students to a room in single beds. You will have the full use of the facilities of the Y, but you aren’t likely to be in your room very much in this city.
The class will meet daily during the trip for either an organizational or a seminar session. Come with a small notebook and plan to engage in lively conversations before and after each show we see.
Every day you will have time to explore the museums, landmarks, historic houses, and of course the fantastic food and shopping of the city. You can expect to be in the theatre most nights, but you will also have at least one night off.
Prior to departure, we will have two in-person meetings at UT to prepare. Readings for the course are minimal. While in New York, you will keep a Theatre Journal, with an entry for each play. You may revise them, but they are due the week after we return. Once you return, you will have two tutorial meetings with the instructor to plan and develop your 10 page research paper, which will explore one play in greater depth. That paper will be due April 30.
You can find more information on the UTK English website at, or you can email the instructor, Dr. Misty G. Anderson, at
New York is waiting for you!