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Randi Marie Addicott

Randi Marie Addicott

Randi Marie Addicott

Senior Lecturer

419 McClung Tower
Fax: (865) 974-6926


Dr. Addicott specializes in Renaissance/ Early Modern literature; her current project focuses on the sacred lyric poetry of the sixteenth and early seventeenth century. She is interested in how those poets investigated notions of community and its relationship to the divine. Other interests include Early Modern drama, the anxiety of authorship, and early Western European literature from the ancient world forward. Dr. Addicott regularly teaches courses introducing students to Shakespeare and drama. She has also taught courses on supernatural depictions of women, British and World literary surveys, Shakespeare’s late and early plays, classical Latin literature, the Bible as literature, and composition.


  • B.A., Centenary College of Louisiana
  • M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida