Senior Lecturer
1202 McClung Tower
- Disability Studies
- Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Poetry
- Speculative Fiction
Dr. Rob Spirko teaches Chancellor’s Honors writing courses, Introduction to Poetry, and American Literature. His focus is on disability studies; he regularly teaches English 254: Disability and Deafness in Literature. He has also directed independent studies (English 498) in disability-related topics. Extra-curricularly, he is active at the local, state and national levels in the Unitarian Universalist church.
Professional Service
- Chancellor’s Commission on Disability Co-Chair, 2020-2021
- Director of Communications, English Department, 2019-2021
- Faculty Senate Communications Officer, 2015-2021
- Faculty Senate Library and Information Technology Committee, 2012-2018, 2019-2021
- OIT Faculty Fellow, 2016-2018
- Associate Director of Composition, 2010-2013
- “In Appalachia, Disability Stigma Has Dangerous Effects.” Rooted in Rights. September, 2018.
- “‘Better Me than You’: Children of a Lesser God, Deaf Education, and Paternalism.” in Peering Behind the Curtain: Disability and the Extraordinary Body in Contemporary Theater. eds. Thomas Fahy and Kimball King. New York: Routledge, 2002.
Conference Presentations
- Invited speaker. Public Affairs Conference, Missouri State University. Springfield: September 2018.
- Panels: The fact of pluralism: How much unity, how much diversity?
- “The Fragmented Public Sphere and the Necessity for Diversity”
- The arts as the heart of utopia.
- “From Plato to Parton.”
- Building community through storytelling.
- “What is a story and who gets to tell it? Disability and Appalachia.”
- “Implementing Universal Design in a University Environment.” Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network Summit. Orlando: April 2018.
- “Dismantling Able-Bodied Systems.” Roundtable. Nexus Graduate Conference. Knoxville: March 2018.
- “Oree-cular Visions: Disability in N.K. Jemisin’s Inheritance Trilogy.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando: March 2017.
- Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network Summit. Orlando: March 2017.
- “What We Talk About When We Talk About Accessibility: Information Session for FYC Instructors.” University of Tennessee Writing Program, February 2017.
- “Universal Design for Learning.” Tennessee Teaching and Learning Center Workshop. April 2015.
- “Eugenics vs. Eutopia: Disability and Identification in X-Men: Days of Future Past.” PCA/ACA Conference. New Orleans: April 2015.
- “The Element of Surprise: Storytelling in Class.” Invited talk. College of Veterinary Science Pedagogy Series. November 2014.
- “Course Design and Teaching About Disability: Engaging Our Students.” Uncommon Teaching and Learning Series. Tennessee TLC Workshop. October 2014.
- “’You’re So Inspiring!’: The Affective Dynamics of Inspiration Porn.” Disability Issues and Advocacy Conference. Knoxville, TN: April 2014.