Joe Seale is a teacher and writer from rural west Alabama and has been teaching since 2012. He received his PhD in English from the Creative Writing Program at the University of Georgia and his MA in English from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Joe primarily teaches writing courses and has academic interests that include creative writing (particularly literary realism) and American literature, with concentrations in southern literature and African American literature. He incorporates his love of comedy and humor studies into his work whenever possible, while also leaving room for his interests in music, pop culture, and sports.
Joe is currently working on a collection of linked flash fiction while also attempting to complete his first novel, which follows a group of eccentric small-town southerners who are reluctantly drawn together by tragedy. His writing has appeared in journals such as Open Minds Quarterly, The Magnolia Review, Down in the Dirt, Flash Fiction Magazine, Bull and Cross, Red Dirt Forum, Grist, Red Fez, and Dead Mule, among others.